Friday, April 1, 2011

Yes, I am insane.

Just scrubbed my bathtub until it shone.  Now I'm sitting down with a nice cup of green tea and an organic peanut butter sandwich, so why don't I tell you about my day?

This morning I got up at 3 am and drove 5 hours to see a man about a house.  We stood around complaining about lawyers for an hour, then I drove 5 hours home.  Now, what's the best thing to do when you've just spent 10 hours driving?  Scrub the bathroom, of course!  Seriously, by the time I got home I was so hyper, I spent from 4 pm to 7:45 pm doing housework.  The end result of this effort, quite apart from (obviously) a nice clean house, is that I feel all tingly, not to mention my fingernails are really clean.

Now, it seems to me that if married folks spent more time doing housework than they do galivanting, marriages would last longer.  (Kindly note that I said folks, not women.  So you feminist types can just hold your wad there, sistah.)

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